But across the web , all I could find was top 10 or top 5 destinations type of posts, based on that corresponding traveler’s preference and the cost was too vague to calculate. So when I was searching for an unbiased map, our dearest Google gave me a new feature , something I recently discovered myself. So when you want to know the return flight fare and 3/4/5 hotel average rates, all you need to do is the following :
Search for “Source City name” to ” Destination City Name” .
Eg : you can search for “Chennai to Bali”
As you can see from the left top, the dates are easy to select while you get to see a rough estimate of the cheapest flight fares and hotel tariffs/night. The best part about this map is not the prices for the specified destination alone but all surrounding cities in all countries . In this example , though Bali was searched, we could see the prices for Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia
Things you can do with this Map
- If you find a flight fare expensive to your destination, but cheaper to a nearby destination you can easily book it there and then take a cheaper local transport within those cities
- Gives you a rough estimate of flight fares across the world and also an idea of how expensive it is to tour them or not.
- Gives you amazing unknown destination suggestions that you may have not even heard of before
- Google flights suggests you the best route and airline name that can offer you the best deal for your trip
Exploring Destinations
Having a small budget and having preferred a new international “off-beat destination”, this map was basically something I was looking for the past 2 months. No other site could even come remotely close to the summarized view this offered
Filtering based on Interests : Not only that, I could actually filter destinations based on my interests such as a beach / culture / Shopping based destination. This was actually cool on so many levels
So if you are on the lookout for a fancy yet cheaper European Destination, this for sure would help you 🙂